
Published on:

1st Nov 2023

Formula Indie Extra : Joe Lington - WTPA

The music project comprises three distinct songs. "WTPA" is the lively and inviting opening track, encouraging listeners to let loose and enjoy the moment on the dance floor. "Pinkeen" follows with an infectious beat and unforgettable chorus, keeping the party spirit alive. The EP concludes with "Hypocrisy," which delivers a message of awareness against deceitful intentions, accompanied by a compelling blend of Funk and R&B. Together, these songs create a diverse and engaging musical journey, offering a range of emotions and experiences for the audience.

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About the Podcast

Formula Indie
Formula Indie is a 2 hour daily music showcase focused on independent music produced by European Indie Music Network
Formula Indie is a 2 hours daily music showcase focused on independent music produced by European Indie Music Network

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Alessandro Cicioni